Stars in the Universe

The Conscious ​Parenting ​Podcast

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Orange Blur Circle Illustration
Stars in the Universe
Grainy Riso Rainbow Rough Texture

Our Mission

We are here to create a new paradigm of parenting.

It is now common knowledge that many of the challenges we face today stem from our childhood. We are who we are because ​of how we were raised.

Yes, there are numerous effective modalities helping us heal from childhood trauma and reconnect with our True Self, but we ​still have yet to see a collective emphasis on the way children are being nurtured during their early developmental years...

This is where we come in.

The Conscious Parenting Podcast is the #1 hub for parents and aspiring parents to learn leading edge insights, science, and ​philosophies which support us in raising our children with a new level of awareness.

Children being born now are arriving with very unique needs, sensitivities, and miraculous abilities. With this, our role as ​caregivers is evolving.

We are being called into a new paradigm of parenting which requires a deeper level of attunement to meet our children where ​they are and nurture them in a way that honors their unique essence.

We invite you to join us in this global movement.